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Lakeside Little League

Ridgeview Park - Cottam, ON
Next free Clinic: Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Centennial Central Public School, Comber. 6:30-7:30pm
Tee Ball & Learn-to-Play
Lakeside Little League values the early learning years for developing a love for the game.
Tee Ball Curriculum, Ages 5/6
Little League is unique in that we offer a dedicated Tee Ball curriculum that provides age appropriate methods for teaching the game! Little League International provides our coaches with training, drills, and games to make your child's introduction to baseball meaningful and fun!
Players will also have the opportunity to play in Ancaster Little League's annual Tee Ball Tournament.
Learn-to-Play, Age 4
Children learn best when they are having fun. In our Learn-to-Play program, kids will learn the basics like using their mitt, running the bases, and hitting off a tee. Coaches will use games and encouragement to build skills and confidence.
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